Seminario “Le nuove gallerie come infrastrutture sostenibili” – 20 luglio 2023

Giovedì 20 luglio 2023 si terrà il Seminario  su “Le nuove gallerie come infrastrutture sostenibili” organizzato dalla Commissione Gallerie e Sistemi di Scavo innovativi dell’Ordine degli Ingegneri diRoma e patrocinato da IATT, che costituirà un momento di condivisione e riflessione sui recenti sviluppi e sulle implicazioni introdotte nell’ambito dei progetti […]

Vien – Grabenlos Symposium

Vien: 26th and 27th March 2019 Our Chairman Paolo Trombetti has benne invited to attend the Grabenlos Symposium, at the University of Vienna.. An occasion to discuss about the state of the art of trenchless technologies; a moment where the decision makers and experts can exchange their point of views. […]

Vien – Grabenlos Symposium .

Vien: 26th and 27th March 2019 Our Chairman Paolo Trombetti has benne invited to attend the Grabenlos Symposium, at the University of Vienna.. An occasion to discuss about the state of the art of trenchless technologies; a moment where the decision makers and experts can exchange their point of views. […]

AWARD to the “Relining Pioneer in Italy”

Rome, 29th November 2018 Mr Remo Paro, of the Risanamento Fognature, has been awarded as “Relining Pioneer in Italy” for being the first introducing in Italy the NO-DIG techniques of Relining. He has been a forerunner and his activity has highly contributed to the pormotion and utilization on Italian market […]

Water Emergency Symposium

On January 30th, at the Idrovoro di Mazzocchio in Pontinia (LT), IATT has been invited to promote trenchless technologies at the “Symposium on Water Emergency” promoted by UNINDUSTRIA (the Association of Manufacturers and enterprises of Rome and provinces) The Symposium, gathering the main stakeholders of the sector, is aimed to […]

“Workshop Environment Forum Treviso”

January 19 Treviso -Bailo Museum Auditorium IATT has been invited to promote at the “Workshop Environment Forum Treviso” Water pollution, trenchless technologies for the rehabilitation of sewage network in Treviso. IATT Chairman Paolo Trombetti attended the “Round Table Discussion” providing also case histories applied in historical city centers, thus demonstrating […]


Rome, 08/02/2018 – The Italian Association for Trenchless Technology (IATT) has announced the first edition of the No Dig journalistic Award. The initiative aims to support diffiusion on “trenchless technology”, promoting the creation of a no-dig culture focused on environmental, economic and social benefits that these solutions provide. The prize […]