- Trenchless Technology Case Studies
- Environmental and Sustainability Benefits of Trenchless
- Research & Development
- Mapping and Inspection of Underground Utilities
- Horizontal Directional Drilling
- Microtunneling/Pipe Jacking/Auger Boring
- Trenchless Pipe Replacement
- Pipe Lining & Coatings
- International Standards for trenchless technologies
- Panel Session
- Plenary Session
Comitato scientifico
Samuel Ariaratnam
Construction Engineering Program Chair, past ISTT Chairman and Arizona State University Professor, USA
Wout Broere
NSTT Board Member and Delf University of Technology Professor (Geo engineering session), Netherlands
Edoardo Cottino
ITU (International Telecommunication Union) Study Group 15 Vice Chairman and Sirti Innovation Director, Italy
Feliciano Esposto
IATT Technical Committees Coordinator, Italy
Roberto Frassine
Uniplast Chairman and Politecnico di Milano Professor (Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Department), Italy
Jens Hölterhoff
GSTT Chairman and University of Hochschule Wismar Professor (Construction Management and Construction Technologies), Germany
Tom Iseley
Director International Operations at UNITRACC and Louisiana Tech University Professor (Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology), USA
Matthew Izzard
UKSTT Chairman, United Kingdom
Henk Kruse
Deltares Senior Geotechnical Consult, Holland
Stefano Mambretti
Board of Directors member of Wessex Institute of Technology and Politecnico of Milan Professor (Civil and Environmental engineering Department), Italy
John Matthews
Director of the Trenchless Technology Center Louisiana and Louisiana Tech University Associate Professor (Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Technology), USA
Valeria Mezzanotte
Bicocca University of Milan Researcher and Professor (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences), Italy
Quintilio Napoleoni
University of Rome La Sapienza Associate Professor (Department of Civil, Constructional and Environmental Engineering), Italy
Francesco Napolitano
Head of Hydraulics and Hydraulic engineering committee, Association of engineers of Rome and University of Rome La Sapienza Professor (Department of Civil, Constructional and Environmental Engineering), Italy
Alessandro Olcese
IATT Scientific Director, Italy
Jo Parker
UKSTT Co-opter members, United Kingdom
Marco Raffaldi
IATT Past Vice Chairman, Italy
Luca Rossi
Department of Technological Innovations and Safety of Plants, Products and Anthropic Settlements INAlL, Italy
Marc Schnau
DCA-Europe (Drilling Contractor Association) Chairman, Germany
Keh-Jian Albert Shou
CTSTT Chairman and National Chung-Hsing University Civil Engineering Professor, Taiwan
Volker Wagner
DWA (German Association for water management, wastewater and waste) and Wismar University Professor (Department of Civil Engineering and Urban Water Management and Waste Management), Germany
Antonino Valenza
University of Palermo Professor (Civil, Environmental, Aerospace, Materials Engineering department), Italy